Sunday, January 17, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Training Winston to Sit
Here's some old pictures of Winston about 5-6 months ago! He was only 4 months old here.
We trained Winston to sit by offering him a treat and pushing his butt down. He looked at us as if we were crazy and would walk around in circles. Then, he discovered his tail and would start to chew on it. Funny dog. After a few days of offering him treats and encouraging him to put his butt to the floor before we gave it to him, he finally made the connection.... we think.
Sometimes he just sits knowing we like it, but only to get back up again really quickly and start jumping towards the treat. And sometimes he sits when we tell him to sit with no treat in hand. Whether he really understands the command to sit is still up for debate. He sits on our command, but doesn't always understand other people when they tell him to sit.
But he has linked sitting to being a good dog. Look at him now. He sits even before we tell him to. This is how he begs for treats and affection, with his sad little puppy dog face.
Here he is outside sitting, hoping for a treat. First he's up, then he's down.
Friday, January 8, 2010
The Crooked Winston Walk
Winston takes his very first (actually second) walk! His first walk was in the city, in the cold, so he was too scared to walk. He sniffed everything and we had to carry him most of the way.
On his official second walk, he was a little hesitant to leave the door, not knowing what was out there in the big world out there, but he obediently obliged. Now he's doing fine. Here he is with his papa.
Once Winston was used to walking outside in warmer climate on our little holiday trip down to Florida, he was comfortable taking the lead and walking ahead of us instead of walking around our legs getting into a tangled mess. That's when we noticed he has a funny crooked walk. It's the Winston Walk. See it here:
And he even made a new friend down the block!
Winston LOVES people! He loves everyone.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Peeing on Newspaper Outside
We weren't sure how Winston would take to peeing outside since he had never done it before. He was used to his newspaper, and that's all he knows. During our road trip down to visit family for the holidays we let him outside, but he would not pee. So we put newspaper on the ground to signal to him that he should go potty. And sure enough, he did. But only on the newspaper!
If you're wondering what that little white thing is on his back, it is a small towel. It was so cold outside and the poor thing didn't have any clothes to keep him warm. I improvised and tried to cover him up with something he wouldn't pee on. All the clothes at the stores are much too big for him, so either he'll have to grow into them later while he goes potty on the newspaper this winter or I'll have to make him a cute little custom-made outfit soon that'll keep him warm. He was shivering when he came back into the car.
About his potty training... we lucked out. When he went out for one of his walks a few days later, he just started peeing and pooing outside because there was no where else to go. And voila. He was trained. Jogging helps him. It must jiggle his bowels into action. He abruptly stops in the middle of the sidewalk in the middle of running and goes! Funny pug!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Winston scratches and tries to eat the wall
Not sure what possessed him to do this, but our little Winston dear started making lots of strange scratching noises. I caught him scratching the wall (and also with his bed flipped inside out). He proceeded to scratch and then try to eat the wall. Don't worry. I told him to stop, and then he never did it again and gave him a puppy teething stick to help the poor teething puppy.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Winston Flips His Bed Inside Out
Who knew Winston would know how to flip his bed inside out? And why did he do this? He loves chewing the corners of his bed and I guess he got tired of chewing the fuzzy part, so he flipped his bed inside out to chew the other side.
He first started by putting his body weight on a folded bed and chewed the bottom of it that way.
Here he is caught in the middle of flipping his bed.
Further evidence of Winston's bed flipping.
And here it is... his flipped bed. He doesn't know how to flip it back, so he's hanging out in his crate instead.
I think he gave up trying to flip his bed. He figures it's better to just use his new bed as is.
Winston's First Bath
We bathed Winston for the first time in our tub at 3 months old. He wanted to climb right out and went up against the side of the tub!
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 2:
Winston Comes Home
Here are some pictures of Winston when we first got him last month. After a couple of months of waiting, Winston wis finally ours right after Thanksgiving! He is 12 weeks old in these pictures and venturing for the very first time outside. Unfortunately, he was so scared that at the end of the car ride he ended up throwing up a tiny bit. Look at him in the corner of the carrier.

Good thing we brought a little toy for him to cuddle next to!
He was fine the next day. He scoped out his new area and knew to go on the newspaper right away. What a smart puppy. He loves being playing and being petted.
Good thing we brought a little toy for him to cuddle next to!
He was fine the next day. He scoped out his new area and knew to go on the newspaper right away. What a smart puppy. He loves being playing and being petted.
Is Winston Having a Growth Spurt?
The unfortunate thing about staying up late is that Winston gets hungry again and we need to feed him a little more food since he whines and whines until we give him some food. He's quiet after that, but as parents we're a little concerned that he's becoming mr. piggy. We're hoping that he's just going through a major growth spurt instead. He has GROWN in the past 2 weeks while we were on a road trip to visit our parents for the holidays. Maybe this is akin to the adolescent phase of a growing boy in his pre-teen and teenage years?
Here are pictures from Winston about one month ago. I think he was much smaller then. He has outgrown his little bed and his harness.
Don't you love that little tongue sticking out? So cute!

He knows how to pose for the camera. What a cute little pug model.
Here are pictures from Winston about one month ago. I think he was much smaller then. He has outgrown his little bed and his harness.
Don't you love that little tongue sticking out? So cute!
He knows how to pose for the camera. What a cute little pug model.
The Hungry Whine
Winston loves to let us know when he's hungry! And he loves to shift his little body right and left to emphasize how hungry he is. Sometimes he puts so much emphasis that he almost sounds a little constipated. What a funny puppy.
Chew Ring
Winston received a chew ring as part of a Christmas present. Here he is enjoying it. He loves them, but they are not so good for his digestive system! He is one smelly pug after he eats that thing tooting away.
Pug Antenna Ears!
Winston's floppy ears are fun to play with. Here he is pretending to drive at the steering wheel. This video is my favorite. Enjoy!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Our Pug Loves Veggies
Take a look at how excited Winston is to eat his veggies during our road trip! He ate healthier than us on the road!
Running Wild in a Hotel Room
Have you ever taken a road trip with you dog and received this response when you stopped to rest for the night at a hotel? This is what our crazy little one did over and over again for at least half an hour or more! We think it's because he was cooped up in the car for so long, He was such a good little pug, sitting on mama's lap sleeping most of the way, chewing on his toys occasionally, and then asking for veggies and food now and then. He also waited until we reached rest stops to do his business. Such a smart puppy!
This video always makes me laugh. Hope you enjoy this one!
This video always makes me laugh. Hope you enjoy this one!
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